A little meme
10 years ago - My hubby and the kids lived in Moreno Valley. I worked part time as a labor and delivery nurse and stayed at home as much as possible with my family.
5 years ago- We moved to our nice home in Diamond bar, and decided, God willing we are never moving again.I was working full time as a Clinical nursing director for 4 large hospital departments. I was miserable and frustrated with managing 200+ staff and dealing with upper management.
1 year ago - I'd transitioned into another job case managing high risk pregnant women. I worked full time, but now I have the best help possible, umm besides my great hubby, my mother in law moved in with us. She and my hubby's step father moved in with us 3 years ago when he was diagnosed with lung cancer. We thought we could help my MIL cope with the numerous radiation and chemo appts, and help emotionally when he died. Unfortunately he died 1 1/2 yrs after diagnosis and we asked her to stay on with us.
Yesterday - We had a small family BBQ. I visited, knit and relaxed most of the day.
Today - I did nothing but knit, watched 2 movies, Monster &law and Sahara.
Tomorrow - Back to work, knit, take the lil ones to soccer and piano practice.
5 snacks - Chocolate, chocolate chocolate, ice cream ummm chocolate
5 songs- I don't think I know the words to 5 songs.(I'm not into music at all. It's just background noise, filler.
5 things I would do with a million dollars - Pay off my mortgage, set up trust accounts for my children and my immediate family. Travel, donate to my community and local schools.
5 places to runaway to - Italy, Greece,Tahiti, Australia, Ireland.
5 favorite TV shows - Law and Order, Csi, House, Medium, anything on HGTV
5 biggest joys - Hubby and 4 kids.